Friday, 1 February 2013

January 26th/27th

Last weekend we had a whirlwind trip to the property - we hadn't been for a couple of weeks and we thought we'd better see what was happening 'snow wise'.  Even though it is only 2 hours drive sometimes the difference in weather conditions is extreme.

We planned to head out on Friday night but it had been lightly snowing all afternoon and after seeing the snow blow across Hwy. 6 the last time we went up, we decided not to go up in the dark.  So we left in the early afternoon on Saturday, with plans to return Sunday afternoon.

Had a pretty uneventful drive - it was nice to see a decent amount of snow and lots of snowmobilers catching up on the lack of riding from last winter.  There was lots of new snow and the pond was only showing a bit of open water where the creek comes in.  We noticed (it was dusk) that the snow looked very high under the little bridge.

Pretty cold that night about -14.  Woke up to beautiful sunshine and a winter wonderland!

Paul spent the morning having fun with his new (to us) snow-blower and we went walking in the afternoon.  Surprisingly enough, even though we found the river completely and solidly frozen over, we discovered that the river had flooded between the pond and the river (already) so the paths were thick ice with some broken spots where we could see the water running underneath.  This was the first time that Paul and I have walked down the middle of the river in the winter!

Frozen river Winter 2013
River in Fall 2012

We didn't see too many animal tracks on this walk, although we did see ones that we identified as a fox.  As usual, once we loaded the bird feeders, we had lots of our feathered friends visiting!

We headed home about 5:00pm - the drive was uneventful - update you next time!!

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